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Revit for Interiors

Revit is designed for architects and engineers, but is adapted by interior designers who use the program quite differently. This requires a more focused, deliberate training and standards to work efficiently and profitably. Without the focused approach, Revit can become time consuming, running up billable hours, and limiting profitability. We can help with staff training and creating best practices to make using Revit one of the strongest tools in your design toolbox. 


AutoCAD to Revit Conversion 
Template Creation and Management
Revit Standards/Manual Creation
Revit Technical Support
Revit Training: 
+ Revit Interface (basic and editing tools)
+ BIM 360 and working with Architects/Engineers
+ Design Development (walls, floors, and more)
+ Family Building
+ Model Management
+ Construction Documentation
+ Creating floor plans, RCPs, elevations and details
+ Working with parameters, worksets, and filters
+ Creating view templates
+ Setting up presentation views vs. sheet views
+ Best practices and tips 
And more! 


*Autodesk Revit® are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed, approved, or otherwise authorized by Autodesk, Inc.


“[Michelle is] an ace and the way [she] streamlined revit is amazing for any company to have” -DB

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